I really enjoyed the diabolo because it felt like I was in the circus!
Throw & Spin
Not your typical juggling workshop. Learn to multitask with Circus Academy through throwing, catching, and occasional dropping. Pick up simple choreography that gets everyone moving while remaining inclusive to all.
We offer enough juggling equipment for each class to have a set each per pupil. All equipment is cleaned and quarantined between sessions, and classes can take part socially distanced both inside and out. Aimed at KS1 & 2, these sessions are aimed to entertain and challenge the students and teachers alike.
A typical session can run from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours and can accommodate up to 30 children plus teachers. The session includes arms and warm up exercises, scarves and ball juggling, sinning plates, hula hoops and diabolos. Each session is tailored for the participants age and ability.
If you would like to book us for these sessions, please get in touch and we can find a solution that works best for your class.
Photos with permission of participants at Combe Down Primary, Bath